Shift Happens, Mel Wild (pt 2) – SOZO EP0014b

John 14:20 Shift Happens in the Father's Embrace

Ready for a Paradigm Shift?

sonshift_cover_Mel_wildMel Wild and I in part two of this interview start out by discussing a Scripture from John 14:20 that has brought a paradigm shift in our understanding of our relationship with God. (Check out Part One Here!)

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” – Jesus

So what does this mean?

You have been united with Christ! The Trinity has moved in! You have been brought closer to God than you could have ever thought possible. We are now One with Love “Himself”.

God is Love in Whom We Live and Move and Have our Being

The truth of this Scripture in John 14:20 goes way deeper than most Christians know. I tend to think that many so called “New Agers” accept the truth of reality and what we are plugged into more readily than those that have grown up in the church. Many in the church have become wary and suspicious of the more radical (foundational) elements of their own faith!

This is exactly why we need a reformation! To come back to the roots of what it is to be a Christ follower. Will we be open to a deeper relationship with Jesus? Are we willing to receive all that Holy Spirit wants to teach us and reveal to us?

There isn’t more than Christ to discover but there is certainly more of Christ to discover. What do you think of that?

Christ and his identity and our identity in him must become the foundation for our lives! And what a joy it is to discover the mystical union and intimacy we share with God! Will we allow Holy Spirit to bring this shift into our hearts?

“God is love” (1 John 4) “in whom we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17).

John 14:20

Regarding the New Age

Since I brought up the New Age culture, the biggest flaw I have seen is the denial of Jesus Christ for who he truly is. Does the New Age honor Jesus Christ as the I AM? Do they recognize Jesus Christ as the Source and the Creator of all that is as the Bible reveals? Do they fail to respect or even know the Scriptures for what they are or as Jesus reveals them to be?  Are they approaching truth from a wrong spirit? Even an Antichrist Spirit?

Yet many of those in the New Age recognize the fact that we live and move and have our being in love. Many of them know we come from and share the nature of this love at our core. That we are swimming in this love. That we were made in God’s image and likeness.