Gray Eagle passed on from this earthly life in 1935, the same year that Sharon’s mother was born. Sharon’s mother saw Gray Eagle at her bedside at Sharons birth. A historian who heard Sharons story confirmed Gray Eagles existence and Sharon has shared with me actual photos from when he was alive and other artwork done of him.
Gray Eagle’s assignment from God for a time was to teach and guide Sharon. In this interview she talks about the various times that she interacted with Gray Eagle. In a later segment that I will upload soon he coached her on how Reincarnation works. He eventually was reassigned elsewhere.
If you are like me when I first heard about this I wondered if it was . a deception. This is a fair question isn’t it? How I respond to this is that Sharon belongs to Jesus. She is under the protection and care of her Good Shepherd isn’t she? Does our Good Shepherd feed his little lambs to the wolves?
I too have experienced my Spirit guides as much as my faith will allow at this time. Our doubt is ALWAYS a major hurdle the host of heaven are frustrated by.
The way I see it, once we test the spirits and submit ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, we can proceed with confidence.
When John was a young man his father was dying of cancer. Someone gave his father the book Life After Life by Raymond Moody (Life After Life is a 1975 book written by psychiatrist Raymond Moody. It is a report on a qualitative study in which Moody interviewed 150 people who had undergone near-death experiences.)
As an agnostic young man, John read the book in one night. He thought, “If this is true, then this is the biggest news ever!” It propelled him on a journey of faith and on the path to discovering Jesus for himself.
John is now pastoring Gateway church in Austin Texas and has written several books about faith and finally a book about the subject that started it all for him – a book about Near Death Experiences called Imagine Heaven. Connect with John Here:
John has researched around a thousand NDE’s. I too have researched a plethora of accounts myself. There wasn’t hardly a story he mentioned in the book that I wasn’t already very familiar with.
With SO much research sometimes the hardest thing is knowing where to start? What are the most important lessons we can learn from Near Death Experiences?
Well, that is something that I highlighted in my interview with Howard Storm and something I tried to highlight in my conversation with John as well. It begins with understanding that God is love. Unconditional infinite love. What God wants from his children is for us to show that love and share his love with others.
John Burke begins his book with the story of George Ritchie:
George Richie encountered an astonishing love. A love beyond his wildest imagination in the brilliant person of Jesus Christ. Jesus asked him, “What have you done with your life to show me?”
The question, like everything else proceeding from Him, had to do with love. How much have you loved with your life? Have you loved others as I am loving you? Totally? Unconditionally?”
George wanted to justify himself and said, “I had not known love like this was possible. Someone should have told me.”
“I did tell you”, Jesus responded.
But how? How could he have told me and I not not have heard?
“I told you by the life I lived. I told you by the death I died. And, if you keep your eyes on me, you will see more.”
Return from Tomorrow, George Ritchie
Howard Storm was told by Jesus, “Love the person that you are with.”
What is it like to have Jesus for a friend? Howard Storm has experienced a close friendship with Jesus for many years now. They have been close ever since the day Howard met Jesus supernaturally in a Near Death Experience (NDE) after Jesus rescued him from hell.
In this interview, Howard told me that he felt he didn’t deserve the kindness and love that Jesus showed him then. He had spent his life resisting God, running from God and consistently choosing evil. Yet when he was with Jesus he said that Jesus not only loved him but actually liked him and enjoyed his company. Jesus embraced him as a friend and has been Howard’s best friend and confidant ever since.
“He always tells me the truth”, Howard said.
Overcome with emotion, Howard told me how he shares everything with Jesus. They talk about everything.
As I read Howard Storm’s book, one thing stood out to me. Because I have spent time getting to know Howard and talked with him in a previous interview, I now could hear his voice in his book. His tone and heart shone through the pages as I read.
I couldn’t help but think, “This is how we should approach Scripture! We should know the author so well that his heart and tone and voice are heard and felt as we read!”
That’s a cool thought!
This Life has Always Been About Relationship and Love with Jesus!
This is what I love about Howard Storms story. His focus is on Jesus, Love, Relationship, and Friendship with God.
In his NDE, Jesus told Howard his plan to save and change the world. It was simply this:
Each one of us to take the responsibility to “love the person that we are with” in the moment as we go through our life.
Both Howard and I want you to have an amazing relationship/friendship with God though the Lord Jesus.
How do you come into relationship with God?
Get alone with God. Talk to him. Tell him you want a relationship! Read the Bible and ask to hear his “voice” in the Scriptures! (I highly recommend reading the Gospel of John!)
The Awakening
There was a passage of the book from Howard Storm’s book Befriend God that jumped off the page as I read it. It gave me some Holy Ghost goosebumps as well. Here is an excerpt:
“If the whole world KNEW life with the living spirit of Christ in our hearts and minds this world would be a paradise compared to reality the world we have created. The promise of Christ Jesus abiding in the whole of humankind is the will of God as stated in the holy Scriptures. The second coming is the universal internalization of the Holy Spirit…”
Jesus, The WORD, Painting by Howard Storm
This passage in Howard’s book goes on to unpack a picture of glorious hope about the Awakening that is God’s will. God doesn’t want to doom and gloom visions of the “Jonah prophets” false prophecies. May all those who predicted doom and gloom end up with egg on their face! May they be proven false (even if they have followed God’s direction at delivering such messages just as Jonah did). How will we escape the judgement? We will all collectively say a resounding “Yes!” to Jesus! We receive God’s mercy that triumphs over judgement just as the Bible says.
I first heard Howard’s story about 5 or 6 years ago and had a major impact on my walk with Christ and frequently look for any conferences or podcasts he is able to take part in. I appreciate you having him on and the work you do! God bless both you, your works (channel) through the LORD and Howard’s long suffering. I look at the spiritual realm very different because of his story. Keep up the Great work and Blessings to you all.”
Tasso Karamitsos
I saw Yeshua in a dream. He was emminating light especially from his face. I approached him sheepishly and hugged him. He was pure love. Suddenly I was thrust back quite fast and distant and in my head telepathically he said to me. I AM AUTHORITY. As quickly I was pushed down a tunnel and instantly felt myself thrust into my body and instantly sprung up in bed like never before. I actually felt myself entering my body. I will never forget. Since then I could identify with nder’s. My life now is before meeting Yeshua and after. What a change. I have no fear of death cause death in Yeshua doesn’t exist. God bless.
Oswald Boelcke
Howard Storm has had a profound effect on my life. His testimony got me off dead center and I am again attending church and seriously, daily walking with Jesus. I am “on fire” for the Lord and much of that credit belongs to Howard Storm for sharing his testimony … a courageous and noble thing to do. My life is better because now I am more “certain” than ever that I am doing my best to please the Lord. God bless you, sir.
Read this final testimony on the power of Prayer:
Ace Goodheart
I just heard his story for the first time about 3 or 4 days ago and I’ve been playing every interview of his I can find on YouTube. He has something new and beneficial to add to every interview he has been in. What I get most out of his testimony is the LOVE that he talks about. God’s love for us. God’s will for us to love ourselves. And God’s will for us to love everyone on this earth. Almost every person’s testimony of their after death experience they talk about the LOVE they felt. And they all have a hard time describing how powerful this love truly is.
My prayer is that I start loving others as God intends for us to. I pray that I do my best not to be judgmental of others. Another benefit I get from his testimony is how omnipotent God is and how present the spiritual realm truly is in our lives. Even though we can’t see God’s angels working in our lives, Howard and others describe just how present they truly are in our every day life. It’s reassuring to know that God is present and sovereign in our lives.
And another very important benefit from his testimony is how POWERFUL our prayers truly are. I pray throughout the day, but it’s exciting to hear from his testimony just how important our prayers are. They make the demons flee! Prayer changes our lives. Prayer is the mightiest weapon we have. So sad we don’t use it enough.
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“Trusting God allows me to love him more freely. Loving God more fully enables me to love others with a more open heart and with unconditional love.” – Sharon Milliman
Sharon Milliman had a Near Death Experience (NDE) when she was struck by lightning. She went to heaven and relates her story of meeting Jesus (again) and the angels in her book called, “A Song in the Wind” (available at Amazon) and in this interview!
This episode may not be for everyone. But there are those like me who are overly spiritually curious and perhaps are already exploring what can be known or discovered though Near Death Experiences (NDE). Some others might not be ready for what we discuss.
What You Must Know About the Near Death Experience
Truth be told, and I’ve said this a hundred times before, NDE research is a dangerous field of study. From the get-go in this interview, I encourage people to cross examine everything that we say, or that any Near Death Experience account may say, with the Holy Scriptures.
Your soul is precious and valuable! As much as I, or anyone else, may care about your spiritual health, you must be in the care of, and under the guidance of, your Good Shepherd. You know, the One who created you and gave his life for you.
While it is true that I (and my sister Sharon) are in relationship with Mr. Truth, you have to find him for yourself. Jesus alone is, “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) and “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
Who Do You Trust?
The Word of God (Jesus) and the Holy Scriptures are the plumb-line for all truth, not anyones experience! I mean, which would you sooner believe? Your own eyes and an experience, or God’s word?
Of course, sadly, who wouldn’t say, “My own eyes and experience”? This is why God can only move us along our spiritual growth process so far (as far as you are willing) in this life. We are often trapped by faulty and piss poor experiences. This is why we must experience Jesus for ourselves.
What if God is more interested in the conversation and relationship and how well we love each other than how “right” we are? What if our being “right” doesn’t matter as much as we thought?
I say all of this because Sharon and myself have had experiences. I’m not even suggesting that her experience was not from God. If I thought that it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be interviewing her. What I’m trying to do here is to get you to think about how you process truth and what you let into your basement vaults.
Have you ever seen the movie Inception? What are you letting into your basement vault? Is there something other than the truth that you are allowing to to be the lens though which you base your perception of reality? Who is determining your worldview? Is it Jesus, the Light of the World? Is it the Holy Scriptures? Or you?
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Sharon Near Death Experience:
Some of you might be aware that I had interviewed Howard Storm in SOZO EP002. I have been researching NDE’s since the beginning of 2014 and besides Howards story, Sharon’s account has been one of the most thorough and interesting accounts I have come across. I especially love how in love with Jesus she has been for all her life.
From what I read in Sharon’s book, it is obvious to me that she is a seer – able to see angels and demons and departed souls in the spiritual realm all around us. Of course this is something that many experience. I have interviewed many on this show that are seers such as pastor Aaron Peterson SOZO EP0008 . Even I have something of a seer gift.
Questions I ask Sharon:
Tell me about being able to see angels as a child. So they comforted you by singing songs to you to calm your fears of the dark and they were holding something that looked like candles or boxes of gold?
What was it like when Jesus appeared to you and those you were with in person for the first time?
Struck By Lightning and Meeting God
You describe after being struck by lightning being in pink and gold clouds.
“I was in awe of such beauty and I felt such a deep sense of peace and complete love. The love was so big so huge so complete and felt so deep. I was just basking in this deep beautiful love. I felt whole, complete and totally accepted.”
Describe your experience of heaven? At your life review it was revealed that God didn’t judge you but that you judged yourself. You are one of many Near Death Experiencers who have said this. It does remind me of many Scriptures. Paul says to some Jews that they judged themselves unworthy of eternal life. Jesus said God has given him all the judgement and that he doesn’t judge:
John 5:21-23 “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom He wishes. Furthermore, the Father judges no one, but has assigned all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.”
John 8:15 “You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one.”
Of course we must take into account all of what the Scriptures say on the subject, don’t we?
My own name means “God is my Judge”. In the book of Daniel God judges in favor of the saints – those he has made holy – those who trust in him. Pauls letter to the Romans tells us, “It is God who justifies, so who is he who condemns?”
Jesus himself says, “Do not judge and you will not be judged.”
Interesting. It seems that whenever we judge (condemn) another, we judge (condemn) ourselves.
Sometimes I think that most Christians are unaware of what the Bible actually says and that the Scriptures are true in ways most Christians cannot accept.
We judged Love as unworthy of love but of a cross instead. Love went willingly to a cross to absorb all our wrath and love us through to the other side of all our confused rage and reconciled us once and for all back to himself and back into himself.
This is why finding the way of love and forgiveness is so important!
I love the closing sentence of Sharon’s book:
“Forgiveness is the greatest form of unconditional love and acceptance and it is the key to true happiness. Forgiveness is the chance to begin again to create a new and bright future and a beautiful life.”
Check out the Interview for the rest of what we talk about. Leave me comment if you like. Subscribe if you dare.
This podcast contains the Near Death Experience testimony of Howard Storm and answers to some very deep questions!
Youtube video of this interview:
When I heard Howard Storm’s Near Death Experience for the first time, it changed the course of my life forever and God used it to bring healing to my heart. I remember telling my wife Catherine his story and just weeping. Why my reaction? Because his story is fairly similar to my own. We both experienced hell and Jesus came to our rescue. Please take the time to listen to this interview. You won’t be sorry that you did.
Howard’s Story:
At the age of 38 Howard died of a ruptured stomach complications and was escorted by familiar spirits into darkness. By his own admission, he had failed at life and was “flushed down the toilet bowl of the universe” as he puts it. Basically, he went to hell and was tortured by evil spirits – who he says were human souls just like him.
In his despair and desperation, and after a great deal of abuse, Howard called out, “Jesus, Save Me!” I was so moved when Howard describes how a pin prick of light appeared in the sky. The light grew more and more glorious as Jesus Himself rushed down to save him.
Jesus picked him up in his arms and healed him and then they flew out of that place at great speed.
He was then given an audience with Jesus and the angels. He was encouraged to ask whatever he wanted and Jesus and the angels taught him for some time before he was sent back with the message and plan to save the world from Jesus:
“Love the Person that you are with”
My Own Story:
I could relate to Howard’s story on so many levels.
I remember well that glorious moment late in 2006 when the spark of hope lit in my heart. The glorious Light of Jesus has been growing ever since!
Here is a video of me talking about Howard Storms testimony and how it related to my own story:
Jesus saved me from a very dark and utterly hopeless place. The stark terror, the despair, and deep depression I had experienced I would not wish upon anyone! This is why Howard and I want to help those going through hell right now.
There was even times along this journey that I thought exactly what Howard thought, that Jesus made a mistake and that I don’t belong.
Jesus has personally assured me, “You’re going to be with me forever!”